Hover over different elements to find out more about what Ermyn Way, Ashtead has to offer.



  1. New access from Ermyn Way
  2. Retained tree belt on northern perimeter of the site
  3. Community building, with potential for children’s nursery with residential above
  4. Multi-functional landscape space, incorporating attenuation, informal play trails and nature recovery planting
  5. Gypsy and traveller pitches with integrated planting
  6. Around 270 new homes, including up to 40% affordable housing, with residential areas featuring private gardens and integrated car parking.
  7. A network of walking and cycling routes, including the retained existing perimeter walking route
  8. Primary access street leads from Ermyn Way, through the scheme. A segregated cycleway will be associated with the street and connect to the wider network of routes
  9. Streets incorporating green and blue infrastructure, with potential for swales, rain gardens, landscape planting and informal play
  10. Central green corridor, with views down the slope to the Thames basin, to the south west. Green corridor to include drainage features, play space and habitat planning
  11. An enclosed area of public landscape space on the location of the potential heritage asset (if required to retain)
  12. Combined Neighbourhood and Local Equipped Area of Play, integrated within the landscape scheme, with views of the surrounding landscape
  13. Structural tree planting and noise mitigation along the southern perimeter of site
  14. New tree planting in the east as part of 12 hectare extensive open space
Attend a community drop-in event where you will be able to give your feedback