Planning Update Autumn 2024

Vistry & Wates

Some of the key issues that were raised at the consultation include:

  • Transport 
  • Landscape 
  • Gypsy and Traveller Pitch Provision
  • Access to Public Services

In response to these issues and as part of our ongoing work on the proposals,
we can report the following: 


The evidence base for the emerging Local Plan includes robust traffic studies, undertaken with the agreement of Surrey County Council (SCC), MVDC and National Highways. These assessed the cumulative traffic impacts of Local Plan development and concluded that the impacts would be modest – and certainly well short of the ‘severe’ threshold set by government planning policy as the magnitude of impact that would warrant grounds to resist development.

Notwithstanding this, at the request of SCC, a comprehensive update traffic impact study will be included within the Transport Assessment that will accompany the Outline Planning Application, based on surveys undertaken in November 2023. 

In response to feedback from the public consultation events in July 2024, a more detailed look is also being taken at parking demands on Ermyn Way, with a focus on the school peaks for drop off and collection, based on further surveys undertaken in September 2024. The results of these will also be reported in the Transport Assessment.

The applicants are committed to delivering a site that has genuine potential to achieve a modal shift away from car use and have been developing a strategy for promoting walking and cycling.  The details remain to be fully agreed but as a minimum are expected to include improved walking and cycling connections to Epsom Road via the bridleway to the bypass (with new controlled crossings on Leatherhead bypass and Epsom Road); new car club vehicles available for use by all; and a Framework Travel Plan for the site. 


The landscape proposals will provide a range of public open spaces which will benefit the local and wider community.  

There will be green corridors to allow for the appreciation of views out towards the Surrey Hills National Landscape.  

There will also be new woodland and hedgerows to maximise the wildlife and visual amenity of the site. 

In addition to this, we are carrying out a study of local wildlife and the local habitat to make sure that our planting is native to the area. 

Gypsy and Traveller Provision

Many local residents did not realise this was a policy requirement for the site as part of the Local Plan allocation (Policy DS1) and that the inclusion of Gypsy and Traveller pitches ensures our compliance with this policy. 

It is worth noting that the Gypsy and Travellers pitches proposed on site will be fully managed and maintained. 

Access to public services

The proposed development will make financial contributions to the provision of public services in the local vicinity through obligatory payment of the Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). 

We will be improving pedestrian and cycle links in the area, especially into Leatherhead for pedestrians and cyclists.  

As part of the proposals, we are also providing a new community building, capable of accommodating a children’s nursery and other local community needs. 


What’s next

Following our public consultation, work has continued on the application for the site, and we will be submitting this in the coming weeks (Autumn 2024). 

At this point, Mole Valley District Council will carry out its own statutory consultation on the application.